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The Covid-19 Pandemic and the advancement of new technology have impacted the life of global community. A “new normal lifestyle” is becoming an acceptable norm by all. This new normal has led the university to adopt the digital technology in most of its functions, especially in its learning and teaching, administration and communication. This new digital age requires the change of mindset and thinking in everything that we do.

The leaders of the university during this digital age require some new skill sets in leading the university. They need to understand more on the change in technology, be more proactive, disruptive, innovative and empathetic.

We will elaborate more on the future challenges in leading a university during this digital age, and how visionary leaders could overcome the challenges.




Ahli Lembaga Gabenor
Universiti Sains Malaysia

Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Hassan Said is currently:
• Chairman, Board of Governors, University Malaysia of Computer Sciences and Engineering (UNIMY)
• Board of Governors, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
• Board of Directors, Usains Holding Sdn Bhd
• Council Member of Taylor’s University
• Independent Non-Executive Director of AwanBiru Technology Berhad (Awantech)
• Ahli Jawatankuasa Pendidikan, Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP)
• Board of Directors, Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC), Securities Commission Malaysia (SC)

Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Hassan has been appointed as Vice Chancellor and President of Taylor’s University (2008), Vice Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi MARA (2016) and Asia e University (AeU) (2019). Prior to these appointments, he was the Director General of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia from January 2005 until April 2008. He was also the Director, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Malaysia, a position he held since May 1998 before his appointment as the Director General.

He obtained his
• Bachelor degree in Mathematics from the University of Manchester, UK in 1979
• Master of Science from Brunel University, London UK in 1981 and
• PhD from Brunel University, London UK in 1984 (area of specialisation is Computer Aided Geometric

He joined Universiti Sains Malaysia in 1984 as a lecturer in Mathematics at the School of Mathematical Sciences, and was later appointed as Dean of the school in 1990. He was then appointed as the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) of the university in 1995, before being seconded to the Ministry of Education in 1998.

Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Hassan has been appointed as a member of Board of Directors of various local public and private universities, and council members of various local and international bodies including the Governing Board Member of the South- East Asia Minister of Education for the Regional Centre of Higher Education (SEAMEO- RIHED) from 1999-2008.

Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Hassan was a Board Member of the Securites Commission Malaysia (SC) (2016 - 2018) and was also in its Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF) Board (2010 - 2018). He was also the first Chairman of the Institute for Capital Market Research, SC.

He is a Fellow of the Malaysian Mathematical Society, Fellow Institute of Mathematical and Its Applications, United Kingdom (FIMA) and Fellow Academy Science of Malaysia (FASc). Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Hassan was responsible in introducing a new class of blending functions, namely Generalised Ball Basis functions (sometimes referred to as Said Basis functions). The basis functions were used for designing curves and surfaces.

Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Hassan has received a number of Federal and State Honours, including JMN (Federal), DPMP (Perlis), DSPN (Penang), PGBK (Sarawak), DPMK (Kelantan) and DPMS (Selangor). He has also received the Chevalier de l’ Ordre National du Merite Award from the Government of France.

Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Hassan received the following Honorary Awards:
• Honorary Doctor of Science from Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNiMAP)
• Honorary Doctor of Science from Multimedia University Malaysia (MMU)
• Honorary Doctor of Engineering from The University of Birmingham (UOB), UK
• Doctor of Business Administration (Honorary) from University of West England, UK
• Honorary Doctor of Educational Leadership from Asia e-University, Malaysia (AeU)
• Honorary Doctor in Human Resources Management from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
• Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Toulouse Jean Jaures, France
• Emeritus Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia
• Honorary Doctor in Law, University of Nottingham, UK
• Honorary Doctor of Engineering, Brunel University, UK

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